Friday, December 19, 2008
From Drug Warrior to Information Minister - Dora Akunyili is Lame-ducked!
Before her new portfolio, Akunyili was head of Nigeria’s state food and drug administration, NAFDAC. A tough job, and a position she recorded unparalleled excellence.
[Dora] won praise from Nigerians in the past seven years for having cut down on counterfeit and dangerous medicines. Nigeria has been plagued by tainted, fake or untested drugs since it gained independence from Britain in 1960. When Akunyili took over her post in 2001, a staggering 80 percent of the medications sold in Nigeria were deficient in one way or another… - VOA.
In charge of information and communication, Dora Akunyili has become a “lame-duck bureaucrat” - a mouth-piece of the government who must put her opinions and sentiments aside and “fall in line” whatever the circumstance may be. Now she must operate under close supervision and direct authorization of Aso Rock.
This is a really a loss for Nigeria and great deviation from Akunyili’s days at NAFDAC — where “her tenure has been hailed as a huge success in a country plagued by tainted, fake or untested drugs”.
Dora Akunyuli is a tough gun who made several ground-breaking moves in the food and drug industry. She even survived several assassination attempts financed by ruthless, deep pocketed merchants of Onitsha and Aba markets — Nigeria’s ground zero of the fake drugs and medicine business.
Her remarkably successful seven-year stint at NAFDAC was made possible not only because she is committed and driven by excellence, but because she operated almost under 100% autonomy, away from the undue — and often corrupting — interference of the federal government.
Media reports informed that the medicine merchants at Aba and Onitsha markets erupted into jubilation when Akunyili’s removal was announced. They were seen with their guns shooting into the air to celebrate.
And I thought to myself, they have very reason to celebrate…Akunyili’s removal may very well mark the demise of NAFDAC.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Topic: CNN Says Oil Is A Curse To Nigeria!
PORT HARCOURT, Nigeria (CNN) -- Trash litters its cities. Electricity is sporadic at best. There is no clean water. Medical and educational services are limited. Basic infrastructure is severely lacking.
"Planet in Peril" met in a secret location with members of the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta.
These are not conditions that should plague one of the richest oil states in the world. Hundreds of billions of dollars has been made from the Niger Delta's oil reserves and many people have gotten very rich. Conversely, the average Nigerian has suffered as a result of the country's oil prosperity. The United States Agency for International Development says more than 70 percent of the country lives on less than a dollar a day -- the population is among the 20 poorest in the world.
Oil companies are only part of the equation. The other is the Nigerian government. Transparency International, a global organization intent on stamping out corruption, has consistently rated Nigeria's government one of the most corrupt in the world.
Nigeria's federal government and oil companies split oil profits roughly 60-40. The money is then supposed to make its way down to the local governments to fund various projects. Somehow, little money actually reaches its intended destination. Nigeria's own corruption agency estimates between $300 billion to $400 billion has been stolen or wasted over the last 50 years. Lisa Ling travels to secret location to meet notorious Nigerian militant group »
Gov. Rotimi Amaechi of Rivers state, one of the largest oil producers of Nigeria's 36 states, acknowledges past problems with corruption, but thinks progress is being made.
"There's a lot of improvement," Amaechi said. "The work being done by the corruption agency and the federal government has somehow been able to control the level of corruption in government."CNN's award-winning "Planet in Peril" series returns with a worldwide investigation. Anderson Cooper, Dr. Sanjay Gupta and Lisa Ling take you to the frontlines of the battle over our natural resources.
Over the last few years, a culture of militancy and violence has arisen in the absence of jobs and services. Kidnappings for ransom, robberies and even murder happen with regularity.
The biggest and most powerful armed group is the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta, or MEND. They say they are at war against the Nigerian military and the oil companies operating there.
MEND, formed in 2005, said it has more than 30 camps throughout Nigeria. Members are armed with high-tech weaponry they said was obtained from "foreign sources." Hundreds of people have been killed on both sides and countless oil workers have been kidnapped.Over the years, MEND's attacks on oil pipelines have halted oil production and, therefore, raised the price of oil around the world. They demand oil profits be distributed to average Nigerians of the Niger Delta and said they will not stop their attacks until their objectives have been fulfilled. See environmental battle lines for "Planet in Peril" »
The battle is over oil -- one of the world's most valuable resources. But to most Nigerians -- oil is a curse.
It has provoked an environmental disaster of monstrous proportions. Since the 1970s, the United Nations estimates there have been more than 6,000 oil spills in the Niger Delta -- that is equal to more than 10 times the amount spilled from the Exxon Valdez in 1989. Yet, there is no international outcry and rarely are the spills reported, even to most Nigerians. They are still happening and the consequences are nothing short of devastating.
Communities along the Niger Delta have lived off subsistence fishing and agriculture for decades. Collecting food becomes impossible when a spill happens, like one that occurred in August. The waterways and mangroves are blanketed in thick brown oil sludge that goes on for miles. Toxicity overpowers the air and a sense of lifelessness pervades the landscape. Many say it will take 10-15 years for the area to be free of contamination -- if the cleanup effort commences in a timely manner.
The August spill was a result of a leak from an old pipeline that had corroded. It took the oil company three months to clamp the leak, but the company said it wasn't reported for a full month after it began. Once the leak was reported, the company said it was denied access to the site by the community. Leaders of the village deny that, and the finger-pointing between the two sides is nothing new -- there is no love lost here.
Who is telling the truth? Who knows? Either way, the creeks are blackened. This is life in the Niger Delta.
"Every time I break up with my boyfriend, he freaks out. He showed up outside my apartment last time."
"Well sounds like you just have to break up and get it over with."
"Yeah, but it's not a good situation every time I do it."
I stopped and thought for a second. "Not a good situation?" Isn't that kind of obvious? How can anyone expect a breakup to be a good situation at all?
Breaking up is a selfish act that can be a necessary evil in your dating life. But there are easier ways to do the whole process.
More Dating Articles from Marie Claire:
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The first step is to adjust your mentality and recognize the situation:
You are not ruining someone's life; they will get over you some day.
If you don't break up quickly and honestly, it's unfair to you and the other person.
If you don't break up quickly and honestly, it's unfair to you and the other person.
If you are even thinking about breaking up with someone, it's probably time to do it. Would you want to be with someone who was having second thoughts while you were madly in love with them?
It's going to be ugly and there's nothing anyone can do about it.
What's the best way to break up? There is probably no best way. But there are a number of tactics that can help make it easier for both parties (even though both parties may not recognize it at the time). Here are some good tactics to use for a "clean" break:
1. Make It Fast
The longer you take to get to the point (whether it's hours or days), the less they will take you seriously. And if you make it look like you're having a hard time going through with the breakup, they will think they can change your feelings or stick around in your life.
2. Be Honest
Don't sugarcoat the situation. If you're seeing someone else, tell them you're seeing someone else. My little sister broke up with a live-in boyfriend because she kissed another guy during a business trip. She told her boyfriend the deal -- it made it more concrete. Avoid cliche's like "I love you, I'm just not in love with you." Guys don't understand this stuff. If you've lost feelings for them, just say it. They can't argue with that. And avoid covering up -- "I just can't be in a relationship right now." Sure you can -- if you were still really into him, you'd be in a relationship with him.
Honesty will protect you in the long run, because the truth comes out eventually.
Honesty will protect you in the long run, because the truth comes out eventually.
3. Don't Feel Sorry for Anyone
People will beg, cry, get angry, or shower you with guilt. Just keep going, try to ward off your guilt. It's just going to slow you down and prevent you from getting to your objective. And never take someone back, or cancel breaking up because you feel sorry for them. Do you really want to stay with someone you feel sorry for?
4. Set Post-Breakup Rules
Let them know the deal: you won't be answering their calls or emails. You won't be accommodating them if they show up at your apartment. Eventually, if they have any personality and independence, they will stop bothering you -- but only if you stick to these rules. If you lay these rules out at the time of breakup, then they can't say: "why are you ignoring my calls?" Don't tell them what they are allowed to do -- they can call you all they want, but if you have stated you won't be answering their calls then you are well within your rights when you don't pick up.
5. Stick With It
The more you take them back, the less seriously they'll take your breakup attempts.
6. Neutral Site
Never do it at your place. You want to be able to leave on your own time. Neutral places are the easiest locations to make a quick getaway. The longer you've been together, the more likely it is that you'll be required to do it in person.
Breaking up takes strength. I have found that people who can't break up with someone they are no longer into are somewhat weak. Do what you want to do, and don't get swayed by the situation or the other person.
Reprinted with permission of Hearst Communications, Inc.
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Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Fall in eurozone retail sales
Fall in eurozone retail sales
![]() Eurozone shoppers are now far more cautious |
Retail spending across the 15 nations of the eurozone fell in September, official EU figures have shown.
Hit by slowing consumer spending and the threat of a painful recession, retail sales fell 0.2% from August, and by 1.6% compared to September 2007.
The biggest annual fall came in Spain, where spending has fallen 7.1% in the last twelve months.
The European Central Bank (ECB) is expected to cut interest rates on Thursday to boost consumer spending.
Figures also announced on Wednesday showed that eurozone service sector activity in October fell to a record low.
Negative territory
The fall in retail spending is less than many economists had expected.
![]() | ![]() ![]() Guillaume Meneut, Merrill Lynch |
"There is a slightly less-than-expected fall, but a fall nonetheless. Eurozone growth and retail sales are well into negative territory," said Matthew Sharratt at Bank of America.
He added that the figures should "virtually guarantee" a 0.5% interest rate cut from the ECB.
Spending on food, drinks and tobacco remained unchanged, while spending on non-food products fell by 0.3% from August.
The fall on the previous month across all 27 countries in the EU was 0.1%, and 0.4% from September last year.
Of the 15 eurozone economies, Germany suffered the biggest drop in retail trade from August, falling 2.3%. Compared with September last year, Spain suffered the biggest drop, with trade falling 7.1%.
Belgium experienced the biggest growth in retail sales, with a 1.4% increase over August and a 4.2% increase over September 2007.
Service sector
Meanwhile, the Markit Eurozone Purchasing Managers' Index for the services sector has revealed that activity in the sector in October fell to its lowest level since the index was introduced 10 years ago.
The index slumped to 45.8, below both economists' forecasts and September's score of 48.4. Any score below 50 represents a contraction in the services sector.
On Monday, Markit announced that the purchasing index for the manufacturing sector fell to 41.1, also a record low.
"The surveys continue to show record pessimism," said Guillaume Meneut at Merrill Lynch.
The European Commission announced on Tuesday that the eurozone economy contracted by 0.2% in the second quarter, and that the EU economy would "grind to a standstill" in 2009.Kenyan beer stirs Obamamania
Kenyan beer stirs Obamamania | |||||||||
![]() The close battle between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton to secure the Democratic nomination for the US presidency is captivating many across the world. The charismatic Illinois senator is drawing big crowds at campaign rallies in a phenomenon known as Obamamania. Kenya, where Senator Obama's father came from, is not immune from this either, but here, another Obama is riding on the crest of a wave. This one, though, comes in the form of a brown bottle and is called Senator beer. In many slums and low income areas, people who find beer too expensive often resort to cheap home brews. But these potent drinks which include traditional spirits known as chang'aa have on a several occasions proved lethal. Some consumers have died and others have been blinded. It's believed brewers spike the beer with deadly additives. So one brewery, East African Breweries Limited (EABL), spotted a market opportunity for a cheap beer that is also safe. The result: Senator Keg beer, known simply by drinkers as "Obama". The beer became an instant hit when it was launched in 2004 at about the same time as Barack Obama was elected as senator of Illinois. Fears of alcoholism The product has proved as popular as the US senator in the intervening years, but with more beer for less money there are fears it could contribute to a rise in alcoholism in Kenya. EABL's Corporate Affairs Director Ken Kariuki rejects this. He says that normally poorer people are consuming drinks with an alcohol content of around 40%. By contrast Senator beer is only 6%. "So you are almost forcing a responsible consumption of alcohol, only this time you're packaging the product in a more affordable and hygienic manner," Mr Kariuki explains. But others are worried that cheap beer can create more alcoholics. Dr Frank Njenga, chairman of the National Campaign against Drug Abuse, says more needs to be done to tackle alcohol abuse. "Alcohol problems require the intervention by all the players, chief of which is the government through its agencies and also those in the industry," he says. Dr Njenga, who is also a prominent psychiatrist in Nairobi, says everyone must work together to combat the rising trend of alcohol consumption. Certainly bar owners are not complaining. On a good day, John Kameta, who owns the Bro Jimmoh bar in Nairobi, can make up to $100 from sales of Senator beer. "With the high cost of living, people from across all income brackets are turning to Obama beer each evening," he says. So what do Kenyans make of the new liquid Obama? "I like the way it is served - from a jug, instead of a bottle. Most people think you get a larger serving from a jug," one devotee told me. So while the outcome of the US elections may not matter as much in Kenya as it does in America, here every visit to the local watering hole is a vote of confidence in their Obama.
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Kenya seeks big airport for Obama
Kenya seeks big airport for Obama
![]() Barack Obama's grandmother lives in the village where his father was born |
Kenyan MPs have called for an airport in the west of the country to be upgraded for Air Force One in case Barack Obama wins the US elections.
Mr Obama's father was born in Nyanza Province and the MPs say the local Kisumu airport should be expanded in case he wants to visit.
The Illinois senator is a local hero in his father's homeland, where a local beer has been named after him.
Mr Obama has never lived in Kenya and he has visited just three times.
The MPs from Nyanza Province said it was clear that Mr Obama was going to clinch the US presidency, the private Nairobi Star newspaper reported.
Mr Obama will face Republican John McCain in the 4 November elections.
Mr Obama's father was from Alego-Kogello village which is 60km (37 miles) from Kisumu.
Kisumu Town MP Aluoch Olago told parliament that the delay in the airport's expansion was a major concern, the Nairobi Star reported.
Transport Minister Chirau Mwakwere said the airport's expansion programme was behind schedule, and is expected to be complete by July 2010.Kenya declares holiday for Obama
Kenya declares holiday for Obama
![]() There were all-night victory parties across the country |
Kenya has declared Thursday a public holiday to celebrate the election of Barack Obama to the US presidency.
Mr Obama's father was from Kenya and his victory has prompted jubilation across the country.
"We the Kenyan people are immensely proud of your Kenyan roots," President Mwai Kibaki said.
The BBC's Juliet Njeri says Mr Obama's step-grandmother was seen dancing and cheering jubilantly outside her house after the results were declared.
She says Mr Obama's family stayed up all night in the western Kenyan village of Kogelo watching the election count, and they are now preparing for a big party.
![]() | ![]() ![]() Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki ![]() |
A bull is to be slaughtered later on Wednesday.
In nearby Kisumu city, there is a carnival mood and people have poured onto the streets singing Mr Obama's praises.
Political leaders are expected in the city later on Wednesday and a massive celebration is planned in the city, which considers Mr Obama their chosen son.
In January, Kisumu was the scene of running battles between members of the public and police after riots broke out over the Kenya's contested elections.
But correspondents say the US election seems to be a unifying moment for the country, with people reported to be saying that Mr Obama's victory is a victory for all Kenyans.
In the capital, crowds were seen singing and dancing, waving branches and carrying posters of Mr Obama along Ngong Road, one of Nairobi's major highways.
"Your victory is not only an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, but it has special resonance with us here in Kenya," Mr Kibaki said.
Games 'to outsell' music, video
Games 'to outsell' music, video
![]() Hugely popular titles such as GTAIV have boosted sales figures |
UK sales of games will outstrip music and video for the first time in 2008, says a report from Verdict Research.
A huge shift in consumer attitudes has turned video games into the UK's most popular form of entertainment, say the retail analysts.
It predicts spending on games will rise by 42% to £4.64bn in 2008, with sales on music and video at £4.46bn.
In the last five years the video games market has more than doubled in value, while music sales have stagnated.
The good news for game makers in the report was balanced by grim tidings for high street retailers.
"The music and video market is not just suffering from a slowing of growth but a massive transfer of spend to online," says Malcolm Pinkerton of Verdict Research.
It is online sales of CDs and DVDs that have grown rapidly, rather than digital downloads, which still only account for around 4% of music and video sales.
In contrast, video games spending has enjoyed explosive growth, with the launch of major new titles such as Grand Theft Auto IV and FIFA 08, and the Nintendo Wii continuing to broaden the appeal of games.
Bollywood producer BR Chopra dies
Bollywood producer BR Chopra dies
![]() The Burning Train was one of Chopra's biggest hits |
Veteran Bollywood filmmaker and producer BR Chopra has died in the western Indian city of Mumbai at the age of 94.
Mr Chopra was best known as the producer of films like Naya Daur (1957) and The Burning Train (1980).
He also produced a successful TV serial Mahabharata, based on the Indian epic, in the late 1980s.
Mr Chopra won the Dadasaheb Phalke award, the highest honour in Indian cinema presented by the government.
Born in Punjab in undivided India, Mr Chopra studied at the Lahore university. After partition, he migrated to Delhi.
Settling down in Mumbai (also known as Bombay) to pursue a career in filmmaking, Mr Chopra set up a production house and produced over 30 films.
He became a household name with such films as Naya Daur (1957), Humraz (1967) and Insaf Ka Tarazu (1980).
Mr Chopra's brother, Yash, is also a prominent filmmaker.
He is survived by his son, Ravi Chopra - also a filmmaker - and two daughters.Tuesday, November 4, 2008

WASHINGTON -- Sen. Barack Obama was elected the nation's first African-American president, defeating Sen. John McCain decisively Tuesday as citizens surged to the polls in a presidential race that climaxed amid the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.
"Change has come," Sen. Obama told a huge throng of cheering supporters in Chicago at a midnight rally.
In his first speech as victor, Sen. Obama catalogued the challenges ahead. "The greatest of a lifetime," he said, "two wars, a planet in peril, the worst financial crisis in a century." (See the full text of Obama's speech.)
He added, "There are many who won't agree with every decision or policy I make as president, and we know that government can't solve every problem. But I will always be honest with you about the challenges we face.''
Click to see an interactive map of election results.
The culmination of the epic two-year campaign marks a historic moment in a nation that since its founding has struggled with racial divisions. It also ushers in a period of dominance for Democrats in Washington for the first time since the early years of President Bill Clinton's first term. With Tuesday's elections, Sen. Obama's party will control both houses of Congress as well as the White House, setting the scene for Democrats to push an ambitious agenda from health care to financial regulation to ending the war in Iraq.
In becoming the U.S.'s 44th president, Illinois Sen. Obama, 47 years old, defeated Arizona Sen. McCain, 72, a veteran lawmaker and Vietnam War hero. Despite a reputation for bucking his own party, Sen. McCain could not overcome a Democratic tide, which spurred voters to take a risk on a candidate with less than four years of national political experience. Sen. Obama is the first northern Democrat elected president since John F. Kennedy in 1960.
Sen. McCain conceded the election to Sen. Obama, congratulating him and pledging to help bringing unity to the country. Speaking from outside the Arizona Biltmore Hotel in Phoenix, Sen. McCain told his supporters: "It's natural tonight to feel some disappointment. Though we fell short, the failure is mine, not yours." (Read more on McCain's concession.)
Sen. McCain's defeat in Florida followed losses in Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Mexico and New Hampshire, swing states he was hoping to secure for the Republican column.
According to a preliminary tally, Sen. Obama led the race with 349 electoral votes versus 160 for Sen. McCain; 270 were needed to win.
Also elected: Joe Biden of Delaware as vice president, the veteran senator who has promised to help Sen. Obama steer his agenda through Congress.
Sen. Obama's victory was built on record fund raising and a vast national campaign network. It remade the electoral map that had held fast for eight years. He overwhelmed reliable Democratic strongholds in the Northeast and West Coast. He won big in the industrial Midwest and contested fiercely in areas of traditional Republican strength. He won Virginia, the first time a Democratic candidate had taken the state since Lyndon Johnson in 1964. And he finally wrested Florida and Ohio from the GOP, two states that had bedeviled his party in the last two elections.
Watershed Moment
The president-elect will enter office with a long policy wish list that includes ending the war in Iraq, implementing a near-universal health-insurance plan and finding alternatives to Middle Eastern oil. All this will have to be carried out amid record budget deficits, a looming crisis in Social Security and Medicare spending as the baby-boom generation retires and fears that the nation is on the edge of a deep recession.
Democrats have touted the prospect of a big sweep not just as a partisan conquest but as an ideological turning point, one that could reverse the last great shift in 1980, when Ronald Reagan ushered in a period dominated by tax-cutting conservatism and muscular foreign policy.
Page One
- How the Tide Turned Against McCain
- Campaign Addicts Now Confront Morning After
- Democrats Expand Majorities In Congress
Election Day
- Exit Poll Data: What Was on Voters' Minds
- Big Turnout Stresses Election System
- For a Historic Election, an Enormous Turnout
- Racial Significance of Vote Looms Large
- States Vote on Raft of Social Issues
- Voters Cast Ballots With the Economy in Mind
- Obama Camp Helps Young Voters Get to Polls
- Obama Candidacy Split Harlem's GOP Faithful
- Voters in 11 States Choose Governors
Looking Ahead
It's a startling turnaround from just four years ago, when Republicans controlled Congress and the White House, and benefited from a conservative majority on the Supreme Court. The party's intellectual leaders spoke of a permanent Republican majority in Washington.
What remains unclear, however, is whether Tuesday's results represent a vote for liberalism or against the failures of the Bush administration, including the early war years in Iraq, the calamity of Hurricane Katrina and the current economic slump.
The transition to an Obama administration could begin almost immediately. A shadow Treasury team could be in place by the end of the week, aides say. In many ways, the transition has already started. John Podesta, a former White House chief of staff under President Clinton, has been leading quiet conversations about key positions, especially those relating to the economy.
National exit poll results found Sen. Obama increasing his vote percentages across the board, with particular success coming from the youth and black votes, as many in his campaign had predicted. Although a preliminary figure, his 52% of the popular vote marks the first time since Mr. Johnson that a Democrat had clearly won more than half the nation's vote.
Sen. Obama took 96% of black voters, who increased their share of the electorate to 13% from 11%. Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts won 88% of the black vote in 2004. Sen. Obama won two-thirds of Hispanics and more than two-thirds of voters aged 18 to 29.
One important swing was the Roman Catholic vote, which went 47% to Sen. Kerry in 2004, compared with 53% for Sen. Obama.
Sen. Obama won among independents but divided the suburban vote. And among voters in families earning over $200,000 a year, Sen. Obama improved over Sen. Kerry by 17 points.
Helping Sen. Obama: Democrats made up a larger share of the electorate this year than they did four years ago, when equal numbers of voters identified as Democrats and as Republicans. This time, 40% said they were Democrats and just 32% said they were Republicans.
Sen. Obama's campaign organization reached corners of the country largely untouched by previous Democratic candidates, from Boise, Idaho, to Biloxi, Miss. It didn't work out everywhere -- he lost North Dakota and Georgia. But he put long-standing Republican territory into play, a tactic that put Sen. McCain on the defensive.
Democrats also bolstered their majorities on Capitol Hill. The party secured a number of Senate victories, bringing it teasingly close to a filibuster-proof margin. Party leaders will likely be able to make up the one or two additional votes with moderate Republicans. The party picked up at least 10 House seats, a number expected to grow significantly.
Working Together
In Arizona, Sen. McCain offered congratulations to his opponent and spoke of the historic moment and the importance of the day to African-Americans. A century ago, he recalled, there was outrage in many quarters when President Theodore Roosevelt invited Booker T. Washington to visit the White House.
"America today is a world away from the cruel and prideful bigotry of that time," Sen. McCain said during a gracious concession speech. "There is no better evidence of this than the election of an African-American to the presidency of the United States."
The Arizona senator also pledged to put the bitterness of the campaign aside and to work with the new president through the difficult times facing the nation.
Sen. McCain phoned Sen. Obama to concede the race and both men pledged to work together. President George W. Bush also phoned the victor and promised a smooth transition. "You are about to go on one of the great journeys of life. Congratulations and go enjoy yourself," the president told his successor.
Sen. Obama declared victory in Chicago's Grant Park in front of an audience of 125,000 people, saying, "If there is anyone out there who still doubts America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders are alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer."
The 2008 election, the longest and most expensive presidential campaign in U.S. history, was a watershed in many ways. It featured the first woman -- New York Sen. Hillary Clinton -- to seriously contend for a party nomination. Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska became the first woman to appear on the Republican ticket. And Sen. Obama broke ground as the first black party nominee for president.
Supporters of Sen. Barack Obama watched the results roll in on a television screen in Columbus, Ohio, Tuesday evening.
"Obama is documentation of America's moral progress, the moral evolution we have gone through in the past 40 years," said Shelby Steele, a black writer and a fellow at Stanford's Hoover Institution, who voted for Sen. McCain. "Whites don't get credit for it. But having grown up myself in segregation -- America has changed enormously."
The candidates spent about $1.6 billion on the election, double the 2004 presidential race, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. When all is tallied, Sen. Obama is expected to have raised around $700 million, a sum made possible when he opted to forgo public financing, the first candidate to do so since the system was implemented in the wake of the Watergate scandal. That decision, and the resulting bonanza, is likely to change how future campaigns are funded.
Indications from early voting and lengthy lines at the polls point to the biggest voter turnout in the period since women got the vote in 1920. In total, voter registration numbers were up 7.3% compared with the last presidential election, for a total of 153 million eligible voters.
The race also featured the most extensive use yet of the Internet. Online social networks spread the campaign to corners of the country that had never before experienced such intense electioneering.
"I wanted to be part of this historic day in our country and watch people in this community exercise their God-given right," said Earl Simms, a 65-year-old former city safety manager standing at the head of the line at his Jacksonville, Fla., precinct.
By tradition, the first ballots were cast just after midnight in tiny Dixville Notch, N.H. Sen. Obama got 15 votes and Sen. McCain six.
Many African-Americans were celebrating how far a black man had come.
"It's a feeling we feel all the way inside -- Lord, we're finally overcoming," said Willie Smiley, 65, a retired government worker from Detroit.
Benjamin T. Jealous, president and CEO of the NAACP, the nation's oldest civil-rights group, said his 92-year-old grandmother, whose grandfather was a slave, is "giddy" at the prospect of seeing young black girls holding pajama parties at the White House.
"At this moment, it feels as if anything is possible, and that is the way it needs to be in this country," he said in an interview Tuesday.
Sen. Obama launched his candidacy on the statehouse steps of Springfield, Ill., nearly two years ago. He was a freshman senator, largely unknown, noted mostly for a keynote speech at the 2004 Democratic Convention and a best-selling book. The son of a white woman from Kansas and a Kenyan immigrant who once herded goats, the relative newcomer came with a foreign-sounding name and associations that would prove to be liabilities.
His spiritual adviser, the Rev, Jeremiah Wright, had issued incendiary sermons from the pulpit of Sen. Obama's church. A convicted felon, Tony Rezko, helped him purchase a Chicago home. And Republicans tried to tie Sen. Obama to an associate and neighbor, William Ayers, a member of a domestic terrorist organization in the 1960s.
With that baggage, he took on one of the most powerful names in Democratic politics, Sen. Hillary Clinton, defeating her after an epic primary fight. Sen. Obama's campaign beat the formidable Clinton machine by going where she was not, racking up victories in states such as Idaho, Kansas and Wyoming.
In the general election campaign, Sen. Obama held the lead for most of the summer. Following back-to-back conventions, Sen. McCain briefly pulled ahead after he energized his party by choosing Gov. Palin as his running mate. When the financial crisis hit, causing stocks to plummet and the government to embark on a series of unprecedented interventions in markets, voters were reminded of their economic concerns and Sen. Obama pulled ahead again. He never lost the lead.
"I've been in denial for too long," said Jennifer Cresent, a Macomb County, Mich., Republican who voted for President Bush four years ago and Sen. Obama Tuesday. "I thought we were really fine and people complained too much. Then every other house on my street became vacant. And so many people are out of work. Now I really worry about crime."
During the primaries, Sen. McCain's campaign was large and expensive and nearly collapsed. He began again with a bare-bones operation, running as a promoter of the war in Iraq at a time when it was deeply unpopular. He pushed for and then backed the early 2007 surge in troops that turned out to be an important factor in the country's turnaround.
After winning the nomination, Sen. McCain still had work to do with the conservative base of his party. Many in the base were angered by his push to change the nation's immigration laws and campaign-finance rules, his support for embryonic stem cell research and his opposition to the Bush tax cuts.
He struggled to find a message that would resonate, running at various times as the experienced insider, a maverick who would shake up Washington, a bipartisan conciliator, a tax-cutting conservative and a tough-minded "Country First" war hero.
The choice of Gov. Palin thrilled conservatives but turned off other voters, especially independents. Early exit polls Tuesday found that six in 10 voters said she is not qualified to be president. Those voters overwhelmingly favored Sen. Obama.
Sen. McCain's campaign received a jolt in October when taxes became a hot issue, but it was never enough to overcome Sen. Obama's optimistic, though vague slogan of hope, which appealed to an electorate angry over war, the economy and President Bush, who has one of the lowest approval ratings on record.
According to early exit poll data, 62% of voters said the economy was their top concern. All other issues, including terrorism and the war in Iraq, were far behind. In 2004, terrorism and the economy were tied at about 20%.
Sen. Obama's promises will be a challenge to keep in the face of a likely recession, two wars and record budget deficits.
He has promised to end the war in Iraq and reduce troop levels quickly. He has also vowed to redouble efforts to stabilize Afghanistan, beef up the U.S. military presence there and to reinvigorate efforts against al Qaeda, both in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
He promised to create a new government-organized health care marketplace and cut taxes for every family earning less than $200,000 and raise them for families over $250,000.
He has vowed to wean the country of Middle Eastern oil over 10 years, dedicating $150 billion to alternative and renewable energy research and development, likening the challenge to that of putting a man on the moon. He has said he will cap greenhouse-gas emissions and force polluters to begin paying for emission permits in order to tackle global warming.
He has also promised billions of federal dollars for education, teacher training and recruitment. College applicants would be given tax incentives to offset tuition in exchange for national service.
In the short run, Sen. Obama has promised to prime the flagging economy with billions of dollars for infrastructure, unemployment insurance and Medicaid. Banks would have to temporarily halt home foreclosures in exchange for government assistance.
The incoming president will have some advantages, including the apparent enthusiastic backing of voters. A Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll released Monday found that 81% of Obama supporters said their vote was for him, not against Sen. McCain. Exit polls found 56% of voters were either optimistic or excited about what Sen. Obama would do as president.
And two-thirds of voters in the Journal poll said they understand Sen. Obama's message and know what he will do as president, just shy of the 72% who said that about President Bush when he stood for re-election in 2004.
With strong majorities in Congress, President-elect Obama is likely to start fast, with a large economic-stimulus package, legislation to fund embryonic stem-cell research and an expansion of the State Children's Health Insurance Program, a government insurance program, which will be financed with a rise in the tobacco tax.
After that, Democrats are divided over how to proceed. Old-guard liberals want to move as fast as possible while they have solid majorities and an electoral mandate. Conservative Democrats want more attention paid to a federal budget deficit that could approach $1 trillion this fiscal year.
Democratic leaders in Congress, mindful of Bill Clinton's health-care debacle of 1993 and the Republican resurgence that swept them from power the next year, counsel a cautious approach that builds bipartisan and voter support before moving on the president-elect's big-ticket items.
The president-elect will not have much time to decide. By early February, he will have to produce a budget that lays out his spending and tax priorities at least over the next five years and hints at what he will do to confront the looming costs of Social Security and Medicare.
Possibly in Barack Obama's Cabinet
Position | Potential Appointees | ||
Attorney General: | Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano | Former deputy attorney general Eric Holder | Mass. Gov. Deval Patrick |
Chief of Staff: | Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D., Ill.) | Sen. Tom Daschle (D., S.D.) | Clinton Commerce Secretary, J.P. Morgan exec Bill Daley |
Defense Secretary: | Current Defense Secretary Robert Gates | Sen. Jack Reed (D., R.I.) | Sen. Chuck Hagel (R., Neb.) |
Press Secretary: | Aide Robert Gibbs | Aides Linda Douglass, Bill Burton, Stephanie Cutter | |
Secretary of State: | New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson | Sen. John Kerry (D., Mass.) | Sen. Richard Lugar (R., Ind.) |
Secretary of Agriculture: | Former Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack | Rep. Collin Peterson (D., Minn.) | |
Secretary of Education: | Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius | U. of Oklahoma president David Boren | Former New Jersey Gov. Tom Kean |
Secretary of Energy or Transportation: | Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell | ||
Secretary of Health and Human Services: | Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius | Sen. Tom Daschle (D., S.D.) | Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean |
Senior adviser/political posts: | Aide David Plouffe | Aide David Axelrod | Aide Steve Hildebrand |
Treasury Secretary: | Former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers | Federal Reserve Bank of New York President Timothy Geithner | Former Fed Chairman Paul Volcker |
Secretary of Commerce: | Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius | Fundraiser Penny Pritzker | Sen. Olympia Snowe (D., Maine) |
Write to Laura Meckler at and Jonathan Weisman at

By Kevin Drum
Liberals have been feeling pretty energized about this year's election. And why not? While Barack Obama might not be the "most liberal member of the Senate," as National Journal claimed in January (10th or 12th is more like it), he's still a fairly reliable progressive on this year's key issues of health care, foreign policy, and climate change. His energy plan, in fact, is the best we've seen from a prominent national politician in—well, forever, and even his reluctant acceptance of increased offshore drilling if it's part of a "comprehensive" package demonstrates a welcome desire to actually get things done instead of holding out for the impossible. Democrats are almost certain to increase their control of both the House and Senate, which means that a President Obama would need crossover votes from only a handful of moderate Republicans to pass major legislation.
So that's that. Elect Barack Obama and it's smooth sailing starting at noon on January 20. Right?
If only. This is the thing that keeps me up nights about the Obama campaign: I can't help wondering whether he can actually get any of his agenda passed. It's one thing to win an election, but another to build a movement that makes an impact for years. (And if Obama loses? Then it's really back to the sustainability drawing board.)
So what will that take? In the same way that sustainable development is built on social, environmental, and economic pillars, you might say that political sustainability is built on three pillars: congressional majorities, electoral coalitions, and public opinion. Those are Obama's big challenges.
The first one is the easiest to deal with. Not only will Democrats probably have a bigger majority next year (even Republicans have pretty much given up on doing anything more than contain their losses in November), it's likely to be one of the most liberal Democratic caucuses ever. Past Democratic majorities may have been durable—until 1994, anyway—but they've also included so many conservative Southerners that, for all practical purposes, they were center-right. (The only exceptions came during a couple of brief periods in the first terms of FDR and LBJ—though even then the seniority system gave conservative Southerners control of many key committee chairmanships.)
But those days are gone. Genuinely conservative Democrats are largely a thing of the past and today liberals hold most of the key chairmanships. Obama—who got plenty of primary endorsements from his Senate colleagues, has an experienced legislative staff headed up by Pete "101st Senator" Rouse, and has shown an impressive ability to work across the aisle—will almost certainly have a congenial Congress at his disposal. He just needs to persuade it to take some political risks.
Obama's electoral coalition is a different story. It's usually described as a combination of African Americans, upscale whites, and the young—hardly natural allies. What's more, other elements of the classic liberal coalition (labor, for example) have been late, and sometimes lukewarm Obama supporters; the abortion rights group naral's endorsement of him, even though it came near the end of the primary season, caused massive blowback within the organization's own ranks.
So this is the state of play: If elected, Obama will be dealing with a Congress that's fundamentally on his side but cautious about taking political risks, and an electoral coalition that's hopeful but keenly sensitive to possible slights. This isn't a bad place to start from—just ask Ronald Reagan—but it can also be a pretty slippery place to start from—just ask Bill Clinton. The difference between the two, the difference between large-bore change and small-bore change, rested on control of public opinion.
Here, too, Obama starts on favorable ground. After eight years of Bush/Cheney, the public is increasingly ready for serious action on a raft of big issues. And Obama is, of course, a terrific public speaker. But watching him in action for the past year, one thing has become more and more clear: He doesn't seem inclined to use his oratorical skill to truly shape public opinion. He's only using it to win votes.
Franklin Roosevelt, that most subtle thermometer of public opinion, understood the difference. In a possibly apocryphal story told by I.F. Stone, FDR once met with a group of reformers who explained at length why he should support their cause. "Okay, you've convinced me," he told them. "Now go on out and bring pressure on me."
FDR—even with huge congressional majorities and a solid electoral coalition—knew he needed outside help to shift the electorate. But he knew how to do his part as well. His early fireside chats weren't just national pick-me-ups; they were designed from the first word of the first sentence to build public support for liberal ideas. Likewise, years later, when he was trying to persuade an isolationist American public to actively oppose the Nazi occupation of Europe, he gave a folksy speech comparing Lend-Lease with the loan of a garden hose to a neighbor whose house was on fire. It worked: With the public on board, Congress passed the enabling legislation and Britain survived long enough for America to join the war. Majorities may come and go, but FDR built a liberal legacy that outlasted him because, by the time he left office, the public believed in the New Deal and everything that went with it.
Now fast-forward 70 years and ask yourself, What is it going to take to pass serious climate change legislation? A liberal majority in Congress? Check. Interest groups willing to rally? Check. But to paraphrase an old military saying, the opposition gets a vote too. And the opposition's message to a public already tired of high gasoline prices is going to be simple: Liberals want to raise energy prices. Your energy prices.
And make no mistake. Barack Obama's cap-and-trade plan to reduce carbon emissions may be technically one of the best we've ever seen, but it will raise energy prices. That's the whole point. So once the public understands that there's more to Obama's plan than green-collar jobs and serried ranks of windmills on the Great Plains, they're going to have second thoughts. And those congressional majorities, who face election in another couple of years, are going to have second thoughts too.
The right way to address this won't be found in any of Obama's white papers. There's a story there, if you dig deep enough, but it's long and complicated and relies on things like increased efficiency, consumer rebates, and R&D funding that pays off in another decade or so. In the short term someone is going to have to tell the public that, yes, there's some sacrifice required here, but it's worth it. Someone needs to come up with a garden-hose analogy to convince a financially stressed public that doing something for the common good is worth a small price.
That someone, of course, is Barack Obama, but it's not clear yet if he gets this. His speeches soar, but they rarely seem designed to move the nation in a specific direction. Is he pushing the public to support cap and trade even though it might cost them a few dollars? Or merely to vote for "change"? It's sometimes hard to tell.
This is hardly an original concern. Liberal pundits have been stewing for months over the question of whether Obama is too cautious to win big victories, too invested in a narrative of bipartisan unity to get his hands dirty in a real street fight. As a former community organizer he understands the power of direct action, but does he understand how to shift public opinion on a national scale? And is he willing to try?
Because that's what it's going to take to build a sustainable progressive movement: a public that's firmly committed not just to change, but to specific change. A public that makes it clear to Congress that it wants—and will reward members who support—universal health care, withdrawal from Iraq, and serious action on global warming. That it supports a broader, more dynamic vision of collective action in the service of the public good. And not for 100 days, but for years to come.
Maybe Obama will get there. After all, FDR himself ran a notably fuzzy campaign in 1932, becoming the master of public opinion only after he was safely elected. But one way or another, Obama needs to make the transition from inspiration to leadership. In politics, public opinion is at the root of every enduring movement. It's time for him to get working on it.
Kevin Drum is blogger and correspondent for Mother Jones.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Four things you can’t recover

It’s been two weeks today since my surgery. Most of it has gone by in a blur. The rest of it
I’d love to take back and have never had happen.
I flushed the pain drugs that were making me freak out - overreacting and straight up
imagining things. And thanks to my dentist who insisted that “There’s no way you can handle
that kind of torture,” and changed my post-op plan, the pain is getting back to within
managable range.
So I’m on the mend. It sure would’ve been nice if I could have gone loopy quietly here at
home without anyone else ever knowing. Nothing like adding humiliation and deep regret to
the list of stuff I need to learn to cope with.
Trying to distract myself, I did some surfing and stumbled onto this blog, and this post in
There are four things that you cannot recover:
* The stone… after the throw
* The word… after it’s said
* The occasion… after the loss
* The time… after it’s gone
I also read the comments, which I almost never do on a blog. I hope this person is right
when he says “in appreciating the shadows, light arises spontaneously”.
How does one learn to hug a shadow, I wonder.
उबा Nicolas
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Metaphors We Live By
just matters of the intellect. They also govern
our everyday functioning, down to the most
mundane details. Our concepts structure what we
perceive, how we get around in the world, and how
we relate to other people. Our conceptual system
thus plays a central role in defining our everyday
realities. If we are right in suggesting that our conceptual
system is largely metaphorical, then the
way we think, what we experience, and what we
do every day is very much a matter of metaphor.
But our conceptual system is not something we
are normally aware of. In most of the little things
we do every day, we simply think and act more or
less automatically along certain lines. Just what
these lines are is by no means obvious. One way to
find out is by looking at language. Since communication
is based on the same conceptual system that
we use in thinking and acting, language is an
important source of evidence for what that system
is like.
Primarily on the basis of linguistic evidence,we
have found that most of our ordinary conceptual
system is metaphorical in nature. And we have
found a way to begin to identify in detail just what
the metaphors are that structure how we perceive,
how we think, and what we do.
To give some idea of what it could mean for
a concept to be metaphorical and for such a
concept to structure an everyday activity, let us
start with the concept ARGUMENT and the conceptual
metaphor ARGUMENT IS WAR. This metaphor
is reflected in our everyday language by a wide
variety of expressions:
Your claims are indefensible.
He attacked every weak point in my argument.
His criticisms were right on target.
I demolished his argument.
I’ve never won an argument with him.
You disagree? Okay, shoot!
If you use that strategy, he’ll wipe you out.
He shot down all of my arguments.
It is important to see that we don’t just talk
about arguments in terms of war.We can actually
win or lose arguments.We see the person we are
arguing with as an opponent.We attack his positions
and we defend our own. We gain and lose
ground. We plan and use strategies. If we find a
position indefensible, we can abandon it and take
a new line of attack. Many of the things we do in
arguing are partially structured by the concept of
war. Though there is no physical battle, there is a
verbal battle, and the structure of an argument—
attack, defense, counterattack, etc.—reflects this.
It is in this sense that the ARGUMENT IS WARmetaphor
is one that we live by in this culture; it structures
the actions we perform in arguing.
Try to imagine a culture where arguments
are not viewed in terms of war, where no one wins
or loses, where there is no sense of attacking or
defending, gaining or losing ground. Imagine a
culture where an argument is viewed as a dance,
the participants are seen as performers, and the
goal is to perform in a balanced and aesthetically
pleasing way. In such a culture, people would view
arguments differently, experience them differently,
carry them out differently, and talk about them
differently. But we would probably not view them
as arguing at all: They would simply be doing
something different. It would seem strange even to
call what they were doing “arguing.” Perhaps the
most neutral way of describing this difference
between their culture and ours would be to say
that we have a discourse form structured in terms
of battle and they have one structured in terms
of dance.
This is an example of what it means for a
metaphorical concept, namely, ARGUMENT IS WAR, to
structure (at least in part) what we do and how we
understand what we are doing when we argue. The
essence of metaphor is understanding and experiencing
one kind of thing in terms of another. It is
not that arguments are a subspecies of war. Arguments
and wars are different kinds of things—
verbal discourse and armed conflict—and the
actions performed are different kinds of actions.
But ARGUMENT is partially structured, understood,
performed, and talked about in terms of WAR. The
concept is metaphorically structured, the activity
is metaphorically structured, and, consequently,
the language is metaphorically structured.
Moreover, this is the ordinary way of having an
argument and talking about one. The normal way
for us to talk about attacking a position is to use
the words “attack a position.” Our conventional
ways of talking about arguments presuppose a
metaphor we are hardly ever conscious of. The metaphor is not merely in the words we use—it is
in our very concept of an argument. The language
of argument is not poetic, fanciful, or rhetorical;
it is literal. We talk about arguments that way
because we conceive of them that way—and we
act according to the way we conceive of things. . . .
In each of the examples that follow we give a
metaphor and a list of ordinary expressions that
are special cases of the metaphor. The English
expressions are of two sorts: simple literal expressions
and idioms that fit the metaphor and are part
of the normal everyday way of talking about the
Is that the foundation for your theory? The
theory needs more support. The argument is shaky.
We need some more facts or the argument will fall
apart. We need to construct a strong argument for
that. I haven’t figured out yet what the form of the
argument will be. Here are some more facts to
shore up the theory.We need to buttress the theory
with solid arguments. The theory will stand or fall
on the strength of that argument. The argument
collapsed. They exploded his latest theory.We will
show that theory to be without foundation. So far
we have put together only the framework of the
What he said left a bad taste in my mouth. All
this paper has in it are raw facts, half-baked ideas,
and warmed-over theories. There are too many
facts here for me to digest them all. I just can’t swallow
that claim. That argument smells fishy. Let me
stew over that for a while.Now there’s a theory you
can really sink your teeth into. We need to let that
idea percolate for a while. That’s food for thought.
He’s a voracious reader.We don’t need to spoon-feed
our students. He devoured the book. Let’s let that
idea simmer on the back burner for a while. This is
the meaty part of the paper. Let that idea jell for a
while. That idea has been fermenting for years.
With respect to life and death IDEAS ARE
The theory of relativity gave birth to an enormous
number of ideas in physics.He is the father of
modern biology.Whose brainchild was that? Look
at what his ideas have spawned. Those ideas died off
in the Middle Ages. His ideas will live on forever.
Cognitive psychology is still in its infancy. That’s an
idea that ought to be resurrected. Where’d you dig
up that idea? He breathed new life into that idea.
His ideas have finally come to fruition. That
idea died on the vine. That’s a budding theory. It
will take years for that idea to come to full flower.
He views chemistry as a mere offshoot of physics.
Mathematics has many branches. The seeds of his
great ideas were planted in his youth. She has a
fertile imagination. Here’s an idea that I’d like to
plant in your mind.He has a barren mind.
We’re really turning (churning, cranking, grinding)
out new ideas.We’ve generated a lot of ideas
this week.He produces new ideas at an astounding
rate. His intellectual productivity has decreased in
recent years. We need to take the rough edges off
that idea, hone it down, smooth it out. It’s a rough
idea; it needs to be refined.
It’s important how you package your ideas. He
won’t buy that. That idea just won’t sell. There is
always a market for good ideas. That’s a worthless
idea.He’s been a source of valuable ideas. I wouldn’t
give a plugged nickel for that idea. Your ideas don’t
have a chance in the intellectual marketplace.
He ran out of ideas. Don’t waste your thoughts
on small projects. Let’s pool our ideas. He’s a
resourceful man.We’ve used up all our ideas. That’s
a useless idea. That idea will go a long way.
Let me put in my two cents’ worth. He’s rich in
ideas. That book is a treasure trove of ideas.He has
a wealth of ideas.
IDEAS ARE cutting instruments
That’s an incisive idea. That cuts right to the
heart of the matter. That was a cutting remark.He’s
sharp. He has a razor wit. He has a keen mind. She
cut his argument to ribbons.
That idea went out of style years ago. I hear
sociobiology is in these days.Marxism is currently
fashionable in western Europe.That idea is old hat!
That’s an outdated idea.What are the new trends in
English criticism? Old-fashioned notions have no
place in today’s society. He keeps up-to-date by
reading the New York Review of Books. Berkeley is
a center of avant-garde thought. Semiotics has
become quite chic. The idea of revolution is no
longer in vogue in the United States. The transformational
grammar craze hit the United States in
the mid-sixties and has just made it to Europe.
I see what you’re saying. It looks different from
my point of view. What is your outlook on that?
I view it differently.Now I’ve got the whole picture.
Let me point something out to you.That’s an insightful
idea. That was a brilliant remark. The argument
is clear. It was a murky discussion. Could you elucidate
your remarks? It’s a transparent argument.The
discussion was opaque.
I could feel the electricity between us. There
were sparks. I was magnetically drawn to her. Theyare uncontrollably attracted to each other. They
gravitated to each other immediately. His whole
life revolves around her. The atmosphere around
them is always charged. There is incredible energy
in their relationship. They lost their momentum.
This is a sick relationship. They have a strong,
healthy marriage. The marriage is dead—it can’t
be revived. Their marriage is on the mend. We’re
getting back on our feet. Their relationship is in
really good shape. They’ve got a listless marriage.
Their marriage is on its last legs. It’s a tired affair.
I’m crazy about her.She drives me out ofmy mind.
He constantly raves about her. He’s gone mad over
her. I’m just wild about Harry. I’m insane about her.
She cast her spell over me. The magic is gone. I
was spellbound. She had me hypnotized. He has me
in a trance. I was entranced by him. I’m charmed
by her. She is bewitching.
He is known for his many rapid conquests. She
fought for him, but his mistress won out. He fled
fromher advances. She pursued him relentlessly. He
is slowly gaining ground with her.He won her hand
in marriage.He overpowered her. She is besieged by
suitors.He has to fend them off. He enlisted the aid
of her friends. He made an ally of her mother.
Theirs is a misalliance if I’ve ever seen one.
He’s seeking his fortune. He’s flaunting his newfound
wealth. He’s a fortune-hunter. She’s a golddigger.
He lost his fortune.He’s searching for wealth.
He’s a big man in the garment industry. He’s a
giant among writers. That’s the biggest idea to hit advertising in years. He’s head and shoulders
above everyone in the industry. It was only a small
crime. That was only a little white lie. I was
astounded at the enormity of the crime. That was
one of the greatest moments in World Series
history. His accomplishments tower over those of
lesser men.
I can’t take my eyes off her.He sits with his eyes
glued to the TV. Her eyes picked out every detail of
the pattern. Their eyes met. She never moves her
eyes fromhis face. She ran her eyes over everything
in the room. He wants everything within reach of
his eyes.
I could see the fear in his eyes. His eyes were
filled with anger.There was passion in her eyes.His
eyes displayed his compassion. She couldn’t get the
fear out of her eyes. Love showed in his eyes. Her
eyes welled with emotion.
His mother’s death hit him hard. That idea
bowled me over. She’s a knockout. I was struck by
his sincerity. That really made an impression on
me.He made his mark on the world. I was touched
by his remark. That blew me away.
He has a pain in his shoulder.Don’t give me the
flu.My cold has gone from my head to my chest. His
pains went away. His depression returned. Hot tea
and honey will get rid of your cough. He could
barely contain his joy. The smile left his face. Wipe
that sneer off your face, private! His fears keep
coming back. I’ve got to shake off this depression—
it keeps hanging on. If you’ve got a cold,
drinking lots of tea will flush it out of your system.
There isn’t a trace of cowardice in him. He hasn’t
got an honest bone in his body.
She’s brimming with vim and vigor. She’s
overflowing with vitality. He’s devoid of energy.
I don’t have any energy left at the end of the day.
I’m drained. That took a lot out of me.
I’ve had a full life. Life is empty for him. There’s
not much left for him in life. Her life is crammed
with activities. Get the most out of life.His life contained
a great deal of sorrow. Live your life to the
I’ll take my chances. The odds are against me.
I’ve got an ace up my sleeve. He’s holding all the
aces. It’s a toss-up. If you play your cards right, you
can do it.He won big.He’s a real loser.Where is he
when the chips are down? That’s my ace in the
hole. He’s bluffing. The president is playing it close
to his vest. Let’s up the ante. Maybe we need to
sweeten the pot. I think we should stand pat.That’s
the luck of the draw. Those are high stakes.
In this last group of examples we have a
collection of what are called “speech formulas,” or
“fixed-form expressions,”or “phrasal lexical items.”
These function in many ways like single words,and
the language has thousands of them. In the
examples given, a set of such phrasal lexical items
is coherently structured by a single metaphorical
concept. Although each of them is an instance of
the LIFE IS A GAMBLING GAME metaphor, they are typically
used to speak of life, not of gambling situations.
They are normal ways of talking about life
situations, just as using the word “construct” is a
normal way of talking about theories. It is in this
sense that we include them in what we have called
literal expressions structured by metaphorical
concepts. If you say “The odds are against us” or
“We’ll have to take our chances,” you would not be
viewed as speaking metaphorically but as using
the normal everyday language appropriate to the
situation. Nevertheless, your way of talking about, conceiving, and even experiencing your situation
would be metaphorically structured. . . .
The most fundamental values in a culture will
be coherent with the metaphorical structure of
the most fundamental concepts in the culture.
As an example, let us consider some cultural
values in our society that are coherent with our
UP-DOWN spatialization metaphors and whose
opposites would not be.
“More is better” is coherent with MORE IS UP and
“Less is better” is not coherent with them.
“Bigger is better”is coherent with MORE IS UP and
“Smaller is better” is not coherent with them.
“The future will be better” is coherent with THE
FUTURE IS UP and GOOD IS UP. “The future will be
worse” is not.
“There will be more in the future” is coherent
“Your status should be higher in the future” is
These are values deeply embedded in our culture.
“The future will be better” is a statement of
the concept of progress.“There will be more in the
future” has as special cases the accumulation of
goods and wage inflation. “Your status should be
higher in the future” is a statement of careerism.
These are coherent with our present spatialization
metaphors; their opposites would not be. So it
seems that our values are not independent but
must form a coherent system with the metaphorical
concepts we live by. . . .
The metaphors we have discussed so far are
conventional metaphors, that is, metaphors that
structure the ordinary conceptual system of our
culture, which is reflected in our everyday language.
We would now like to turn to metaphors
that are outside our conventional conceptual
system, metaphors that are imaginative and creative. Such metaphors are capable of giving us
a new understanding of our experience.Thus, they
can give new meaning to our pasts, to our daily
activity, and to what we know and believe.
To see how this is possible, let us consider the
This is a metaphor that we personally find particularly
forceful, insightful, and appropriate, given
our experiences as members of our generation and
our culture.The reason is that it makes our experiences
of love coherent—it makes sense of them.
We would like to suggest that new metaphors make
sense of our experience in the same way conventional
metaphors do: They provide coherent structure,
highlighting some things and hiding others.
Like conventional metaphors, new metaphors
have entailments, which may include other metaphors
and literal statements as well. For example,
ART arise from our beliefs about, and experiences
of, what it means for something to be a collaborative
work of art. Our personal views of work and
art give rise to at least the following entailments
for this metaphor:
Love is work.
Love is active.
Love requires cooperation.
Love requires dedication.
Love requires compromise.
Love requires a discipline.
Love involves shared responsibility.
Love requires patience.
Love requires shared values and goals.
Love demands sacrifice.
Love regularly brings frustration.
Love requires instinctive communication.
Love is an aesthetic experience.
Love is primarily valued for its own sake.
Love involves creativity.
Love requires a shared aesthetic.
Love cannot be achieved by formula.
Love is unique in each instance.
Love is an expression of who you are.
Love creates a reality.
Love reflects how you see the world.
Love requires the greatest honesty.
Love may be transient or permanent.
Love needs funding.
Love yields a shared aesthetic satisfaction from
your joint efforts.
Some of these entailments are metaphorical
(e.g.,“Love is an aesthetic experience”); others are
not (e.g., “Love involves shared responsibility”).
Each of these entailments may itself have further
entailments. The result is a large and coherent
network of entailments, which may, on the
whole, either fit or not fit our experiences of love.
When the network does fit, the experiences form
a coherent whole as instances of the metaphor.
What we experience with such a metaphor is a
kind of reverberation down through the network
of entailments that awakens and connects our
memories of our past love experiences and serves
as a possible guide for future ones.
Let’s be more specific about what we mean by
“reverberations” in the metaphor LOVE IS A COLLABORATIVE
First, the metaphor highlights certain features
while suppressing others. For example, the active
side of love is brought into the foreground through
the notion of WORK both in COLLABORATIVE WORK and
in WORK OF ART.This requires the masking of certain
aspects of love that are viewed passively. In fact, the
emotional aspects of love are almost never viewed
as being under the lovers’ active control in our conventional
conceptual system.
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